This Week’s Cuttings

Johnny Foolish
2 min readJan 22, 2024

Apparently this is real!

Nuclear battery: Chinese firm aiming for mass market production : Corporate — World Nuclear News (

In the world of current power production, Europe wants to do the right thing but nobody wants to pay for it, as always.

Prepare to have your preconceptions upended (again, isn’t that the point of the internet?). New York really is the safest place to be. In the US — it’s still a warzone compared to European cities. Except European cities that actually are war zones, obviously.

You just can’t beat a bit of hidden logistics that is essential to keep the world going.

It’s free, the contents are interesting enough, but it’s also has some very clever AI gubbins. It’s beyond me, it may not be beyond you.

GOAT: Who is the greatest economist of all time and why does it matter? (

A shorter answer is surely “Because I don’t need someone to tell me what to think when I can listen to it for free”. But still the broader question is interesting, if dispiriting.

You better hope your boss hasn’t seen this. Unless you like dancing, of course.



Johnny Foolish

“You’re a fool, Johnny Foolish,” she said, “you’re a fool”. And she was right.